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Kuis Pra Kopdar* September 2015

Written By Desi Puspitasari on Saturday 26 September 2015 | 17:10

Dewi Nugraheni

Kuis Pra Kopdar*

Hola halo teman-teman!

Untuk memanaskan suasana menjelang kopdar, marilah kita mulai dengan kuis. Kali ini kuis akan berkisar tentang buku apa saja yang telah dibaca pada tahun 2014. Kuis berupa pertanyaan terbuka lalu dijawab dengan judul buku yang telah dibaca pada tahun lalu. Sertakan judul lengkap dan penulisnya. 

Peserta silakan mengisi kolom komentar mulai detik ini sampai hari Selasa tgl 15 September 2015. Hari rabu kita adakan pungutan suara. Hadiah akan diserahkan saat kopdar.

Berikut ini contoh dari saya :

You are what you read!
Using only books you have read last year (2014), answer these questions.
Try not to repeat a book title.

Describe yourself : The Book Thief (Markus Zusak )

How do you feel : Crankenstein ( Samantha Berger )

Describe where you currently live : Stalking Indonesia ( Margareta Astaman )

If you could go anywhere, where would it be : The Ocean at the End of the Lane ( Neil Gaiman )

Your favorite pastime : Cinema Panopticum ( Thomas Ott )

Your favorite food : Strawberry Surprise ( Desi Puspitasari )

Your favorite form of transportation : Gelombang : Supernova #5 ( Dee )

Your best friend is : Laika ( Nick Abadzis )

You and your friends are : Momzilla ( Jill Kargman )

What's the weather like : Stardrop ( Mark Oakley )

You fear : The Dark (Lemony Snicket)

What is the best advice you have to give : 101 Cara Memilih Pemimpin ( Sanggar Koebus)

*nama kuis memiliki makna ganda yang berarti kuis sebelum kopdar dan kuis dengan Pra sebagai donatur doorprize

You are what you read! Using only books you have read last year (2014), answer these 
questions. Try not to repeat a book title.

Lidya Renny Chrisnawaty
(semua buku dibaca tahun 2014)

Describe yourself : Orang Asing (Albert Camus)

How do you feel : Magnet Curhat (Primadonna Angela)

Describe where you currently live : Salju Kilimanjaro (Ernest Hemingway)

If you could go anywhere, where would it be : Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea (Jules Verne)

Your favorite pastime : The Fault In Our Stars (John Green)

Your favorite food : Strawberry Surprise (Desi Puspitasari)

Your favorite form of transportation : Aleph (Paulo Coelho)

Your best friend is : Kitab Suci Kesatria Cahaya (Paulo Coelho)

You and your friends are : Mockingjay (Suzanne Collins)

What's the weather like : Hujan Daun-daun (Lidya Renny Ch, Tsaki Daruchi dan Putra Zaman)

You fear : Welcome to Dead House (Goosebumps - R. L. Stine)

What is the best advice you have to give : Men Are from Mars, Women are from Venus (John Gray)

Kinu Triatmojo
(tidak ada keterangan kapan dibaca)

Describe yourself : Fight!! Ippo (Joji Morikawa)

How do you feel : Fantasista (Kusaba Michiteru)

Describe where you currently live : City Hunter (Tsukasa Hojo)

If you could go anywhere, where would it be : Beyond The Beyond (Yoshitomo Watanabe)

Your favorite pastime : 20th Century Boys (Naoki Urasawa)

Your favorite food : Addicted To Curry (Kazuki Funatsu)

Your favorite form of transportation : Eyeshield 21 (Riichiro Inagaki)

Your best friend is : A Half Heavenly Girl (Aqua Mizuto)

You and your friends are : The Impeccable Twins (Gu Long, Ho Ce Wen)

What's the weather like : A Spirit of The Sun (Kaiji Kawaguchi)

You fear : Death’s Notice (Mase Motoro) 

What is the best advice you have to give : Wai Wai Hey! Say! JUMP (Notoyama)

Ruwi Meita
(dibaca tahun 2014)

Describe yourself : The Girl Savage (Katherine Rundell )

How do you feel : Ice Shock (M.G.Harris)

Describe where you currently live : Rumah Bambu (YB.Mangunwijaya)

If you could go anywhere, where would it be : Tujuh Hari di Villa Mencekam (Cerberus Plouton)

Your favorite pastime : The Miracle Journey of Edward Tulane (Kate DiCamillo)

Your favorite food :Angel's Cake (Gaile Parkin)

Your favorite form of transportation : A Short History of Tractor in Ukraina (Marina Lewycka)

Your best friend is : The Monstrumologist (Rick Yancey)

You and your friends are : Gone Girl (Gillian Flyn)

What's the weather like :Full Dark No Stars (Stephen King)

You fear : Devil in Me (Christina Tirta)

What is the best advice you have to give : Show Your Work (Austin Kleon)

Indri Azari
(dibaca pada tahun 2014)

Describe yourself: The Devil's DNA (Peter Blauner)

How do you feel: Blind Eye (James B. Steward)

Describe where you currently live: Norwegian Wood (Haruki Murakami)

If you could go anywhere, where would it be: Komik Terbaik Disney (Carl Banks)

Your favorite pastime: A Very Yuppy Wedding (Ika Natassa)

Your favorite food: To Bee or Not To Bee (John Penberthy)

Your favorite form of transportation: Crayon Shinchan (Yoshito Usui)

Your best friend is: Mahatma Gandhi (Kazuki Ebine)

You and your friends are: The Tokyo Zodiac Murders (Soji Shimada)

What's the Weather Like: Wonderstruck (Brian Selznick)

You Fear: Koin Terakhir (Yogie Nugraha)

What is the best advice you have to give: For Better for Worse (Carole Matthews)

Kurnia Kartikawati
(dibaca pada tahun 2014)

Describe yourself : Little Witch Co. (Ambiru Yasuko)

How do you feel : Rahvayana, Aku Lala Padamu (Sujiwo Tejo)

Describe where you currently live : Indonesia Berani (Tony Hendroyono)

If you could go anywhere, where would it be : Negeri Van Oranje (Wahyuningrat, dkk)

Your favorite pastime : 1Q84 (Haruki Murakami)

Your favorite food : The Vanilla Heart (Indah Hanaco)

Your favorite form of transportation : Burung Terbang di Kelam Malam (Arafat Nur)

Your best friend is : The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared (Jonas Jonasson)

You and your friends are : Eks Parasit Lajang (Ayu Utami)

What's the weather like : Bayang-bayang Jingga – Seri Topeng Kaca (Suzue Miuchi) 

You fear : Koma ( Rachmania Arunita)

What is the best advice you have to give : Search Inside Yourself (Chade-Meng Tan)

Ken Terate
(dibaca pada tahun 2014)

Describe yourself : Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother (Amy Chua)

How do you feel : Five Point Something Someone a.k.a the Three Idiots (Chetan Baghat) 

Describe where you currently live : Rumah Kecil di Padang Rumput (Laura Ingalls-Wilder)

If you could go anywhere, where would it be : The Golden Road (L.M. Montgomery)

Your favorite pastime : Pulang (Leila S. Chudori)

Your favorite food : 40 Variasi Resep Pempek, Siomay, Otak-Otak, dan Batagor (Dina Novila)

Your favorite form of transportation : Franklin Naik Sepeda (Paulette Bourgeois)

Your best friend is : Sahabat, Pacar, dan Diet (Cathy Hopkins)

You and your friends are : Dalton Bersaudara Bertobat (Morris & Goscinny)

What's the weather like : Seratus Tahun Kesunyian (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

You fear : The 19th Wife, Istri ke-19 (David Ebershoff)

What is the best advice you have to give : Orang Miskin Dilarang Sakit (Eko Prasetyo)

Lutfi Retno Wahyudyanti
(dibaca pada tahun 2014 - 2015)

Describe yourself : Quantum Learning (Bobby de Potter)

How do you feel : Menulis dan Berpikir Kreatif (Ayu Utami)

Describe where you currently live : Meraba Indonesia (Ahmad Yunus)

If you could go anywhere, where would it be : Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Road Dahl)

Your favorite pastime : My Life as Film Director (Haqi Ahmad)

Your favorite food: Resep olahan Jamur (Rudy Choirudin)

Your favorite form of transportation : Macam-macam Lokomotif (Pjka)

Your best friend is : Wirausaha Muda Mandiri (Rhenald Khasali)

You and your friends are : Hidup Mati di Negeri Cincin Api (Ahmad Arif)

What's the weather like : Gelombang (dee)

You fear : Indononesia Jungkir Balik (Aditya Mulya dkk)

What is the best advice you have to give: Saya pilih sehat dan sembuh (tan shot yen)

Iyut Yhs
(dibaca pada tahun 2014-2015)

Describe yourself : Sleeping Beauty (Nicole Taylor)

How do you feel : Head Games; Pretty Tough #3 (Keri Mikulski)

Describe where you currently live : Dark Places (Gillian Flynn) 

If you could go anywhere, where would it be : At The Zoo (Paul Simon) 

Your favorite pastime : Episode Cinta (Ken Terate)

Your favorite food : Hogula, Dread Pig of Night (Jean Gralley) 

Your favorite form of transportation : Nineteen Minutes (Jodi Picoult)

Your best friend is : The Three Billy Goats Gruff (Melanie Williams)

You and your friends are : The Giver (Lois Lowry)

What's the weather like : Fangirl (Rainbow Rowell)

You fear : Rahasia Putri yang Suka Kentut (Jang Kee Sun)

What is the best advice you have to give : Smile (Raina Telgemeier)

Kurnia Harta Winata
(tidak ada keterangan kapan dibaca)

Describe yourself : Smile (Raina Telgemeier)

How do you feel : The Eternal Smile (Gene Luen Yang)

Describe where you currently live : Nusa Jawa Silang Budaya (Denys Lombard)

If you could go anywhere, where would it be : Animal Farm (George Orwell)

Your favorite pastime : Sejarah Nasional Indonesia (Nugroho Notosusanto)

Your favorite food : James and Giant Peach (Roald Dahl)

Your favorite form of transportation : James and Giant Peach (Roald Dahl)

Your best friend is : Story Girl (Lucy M. Montgomery)

You and your friends are : 9 Ciri Negatif Manusia Indonesia (Ali Akbar)

What's the weather like : Warna Langit (Kim Dong Hwa)

You fear : Kisah-kisah Tengah Malam (Edgar Alan Poe)

What is the best advice you have to give : Yuk, Berinternet (Valens Riyadi)

Pemungutan suara bisa dilakukan semua anggota yang tergabung dalama grup ini. Silakan memilih salah satu sampai tanggal 30 September 2015. Pemenang akan diumumkan pada tanggal 1 Oktober 2015.


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